Nissan Xterra TPMS

Is your TPMS (tire pressure monitoring system) light on and you already tried the TPMS reset procedure? It might mean you need to replace your tpms. From what I read their lifespan ranges from 5 to 10 years. Sadly, my TPMS only lasted 6 years so I  decided to replace all of them. Here’s how you determine if you need a new TPMS: If you turn on your car and the TPMS lights start to blink for a little and then stay solid. It means that your TPMS sensors are not connecting to the TPMS system. You can try to …

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How I fixed my Cystic Acne

I remember in the winter of 2013 I kept breaking out along my jawline on the right side of my face. I was really frustrated because I know finding a cure for any acne issue is a needle in the hay and these cystic pimples left deep scars. Luckily through trial and error I was able to find a solution that worked for me and then finding out the cause of my cystic pimples.  My solution: Avoid putting hot water on your face. Use only cold water to wash your face. THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT! I use Simple Moisturizing Facial Wash …

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Disable Sending Text Through Google Voice Number

Did you somehow get a surprise text from someone asking why you are using a different number? If you have Google Voice then most likely it somehow merged with your hangout and it’ll use the Google Voice number by default. This will show you how to disable sending text messages through your Google Voice number and use your default mobile number. First go to settings and then follow these pictures: Then you should be all set!