If you recently bought a 28″ dual monitor or in the market for a 28″ dual monitor you probably notice there’s not that many monitor mounts that support that size.
Most dual monitor mounts are labeled for up to 27″ so will it work for a monitor that’s slightly bigger like a 28″ monitor? Most likely! Not all monitor mounts are made the same so I can’t guarantee that it’ll work for any monitor mounts. I recently upgraded from a 27″ dual monitor set up to a 28″ dual monitor set up and used my previous monitor mounts. Luckily they still fit with plenty of space to maneuver the monitors.
Here are pictures:
The monitor mounts were the Halter Dual 27″ Desk Clamps YKHL2MNT
Here is what it looks fully spaced apart against the wall.
Here’s what the monitors look like closed to each other.